Katrin Herrmann, Heiko Krause, Daniela Risch, Ramona Seyfarth
Daniela Risch, aus der Fotoserie Downstream, 2015-19
The group exhibition aims to depict the conditions and noticeable structural change processes in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern from a current perspective. The focus is on facets of what is perceived every day in the federal state, which is characterized by agricultural land, dissolving or reorganizing village structures and changing urbanity. They are linked to historical dimensions of upheaval as well as subjective questions about the abstract concept of home and memory.
In the series LANDGANG Heiko Krause (*1974) carefully documents the changes in the region on photographic expeditions. In found situations, traces of aging – processes and textures of transformation – are not staged elegiacally but become visible in their quiet radiance as an aesthetic momentum. With the textile installation HOME, Ramona Seyfarth (*1980) links ideas of home to fragments of subjective feelings and memories of the Mecklenburg village of her childhood – which is subject to processes of change and yet remains a refuge. Katrin Hermann (*1981) also deals with the possibilities of visual and written fixation of memory. In DIE LEBEN IN MIR (THE LIVES IN ME) general observations about the correlated aspects of home, family, biography and language can be reconstructed from the subjectivity of the life experience of three generations of women from East Germany. Between 2015 and 2019, Daniela Risch (*1969) lived in an apartment from the last days of the socialist housing program in district Ostseeviertel–Ryckseite of Greifswald, whose furnishings and fittings still partly corresponded to the original state of the building. In the photo series DOWNSTREAM, found traces of previous tenants become visible as overlays of history. Bit by bit the WBS 70-bars are now torn down to make room for terraced houses at this attractive location.
Katrin Herrmann, Die Leben in mir (2016), book, print monochrome black, thread stitching, hardcover paper, embossed title, line embossing. Photo: Daniela Risch
Katrin Herrmann, Die Leben in mir (2016), book, print monochrome black, thread stitching, hardcover paper, embossed title, line embossing. Photo: Daniela Risch
Katrin Herrmann, Die Leben in mir (2016), book, print monochrome black, thread stitching, hardcover paper, embossed title, line embossing. Photo: Daniela Risch
Heiko Krause, ohne Titel (2016), Farbfotografie aus der Serie Ausgleichfläche“, C-Print auf Alu-Dibond in ArtBox. Foto: Daniela Risch
Heiko Krause, untitled (2013-2017), black and white photographs from the series “Landgang”, Ilford silver gelatin prints on Alu-Dibond in ArtBox. Photo: Daniela Risch
Heiko Krause, untitled (2013-2017), black and white photographs from the series “Landgang”, Ilford silver gelatin prints on Alu-Dibond in ArtBox. Photo: Daniela Risch
Daniela Risch, HEIMAT (2012) in a version from 2020, HD, 4:3, Loop, Based on the poems [war der tisch, war der stuhl] and [meine heimat] by Almut Ulrike Sandig. Photo: Daniela Risch
The group exhibition aims to depict the conditions and noticeable structural change processes in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern from a current perspective. The focus is on facets of what is perceived every day in the federal state, which is characterized by agricultural land, dissolving or reorganizing village structures and changing urbanity. They are linked to historical dimensions of upheaval as well as subjective questions about the abstract concept of home and memory.
In the series LANDGANG Heiko Krause (*1974) carefully documents the changes in the region on photographic expeditions. In found situations, traces of aging – processes and textures of transformation – are not staged elegiacally but become visible in their quiet radiance as an aesthetic momentum. With the textile installation HOME, Ramona Seyfarth (*1980) links ideas of home to fragments of subjective feelings and memories of the Mecklenburg village of her childhood – which is subject to processes of change and yet remains a refuge. Katrin Hermann (*1981) also deals with the possibilities of visual and written fixation of memory. In DIE LEBEN IN MIR (THE LIVES IN ME) general observations about the correlated aspects of home, family, biography and language can be reconstructed from the subjectivity of the life experience of three generations of women from East Germany. Between 2015 and 2019, Daniela Risch (*1969) lived in an apartment from the last days of the socialist housing program in district Ostseeviertel–Ryckseite of Greifswald, whose furnishings and fittings still partly corresponded to the original state of the building. In the photo series DOWNSTREAM, found traces of previous tenants become visible as overlays of history. Bit by bit the WBS 70-bars are now torn down to make room for terraced houses at this attractive location.