Die Bäume


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© Robert Kraiss

The Cologne band DIE BÄUME are a meeting of opposites. Since 1994, psychiatrist and pain physician Florian Gass and artist Robert Kraiss have come together weekly for recording sessions. Their music proceeds from a non-skill-centered improvisation, with points of contact to noise, punk and traditional ethnic music. It’s a free-form approach. An attempt to explore extremes; experimental unprotected exposure. In the course of the musical work there is a mixture of ironically commented ethnokitsch and ‘authentic’ world music up to a primitive synthesis or as Stefanie Popp writes: “(…) from the wafting feeling of blood flow in the veins or perhaps digestion in the intestines. Song from deep inside. Like the unconscious that has become sound. Or the free-flowing inner mush.”




The event is funded by
Stiftung Kunstfonds and the NEUSTART KULTUR-Programm